Hello and welcome to the LDRA website.
The LDRA is non-political and non-sectarian. Its aims are to preserve Long Ditton from over-development, maintain its character, improve its amenities and defend its surrounding Green Belt.
Put another way, the LDRA tries to make Long Ditton a better place in which to live. It plays an active role in all planning matters that affect Long Ditton and is in continuous contact with Surrey and Elmbridge Councils on a wide variety of other issues, including traffic, recreation areas and rubbish collection.
The Association is continually enhancing a positive and pro-active relationship with Surrey Police.
Committee Meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at the British Legion Club. A monthly poster is produced, summarising the main points of the meetings. It is distributed to all Road Representatives and displayed in local shops and the British Legion Club. Public meetings are also held at St Mary’s Junior School twice a year so that residents can meet our councillors and police team.