Annual General Meeting and public meeting – Thursday 22nd November – 8pm

Annual General Meeting and public meeting – Thursday 22nd November – 8pm

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You are invited to attend the above meeting to be held at St Mary’s Junior School, Sugden Road, Long Ditton, KT7 0AD.

We will open with the Chairman’s welcome which will be followed by a police ‘Neighbourhood Panel Meeting’. This meeting will be run by PC Sharon Taylor who will brief us on current police matters as she sees them. She will then take questions. This is your chance to make the police aware of what you perceive to be specific problems.

AGM agenda
1. Agree minutes of last year’s meeting and take matters arising
2. Chairman’s report
3. Financial report
4. Election of officers
These four items are the compulsory formalised items of the AGM and it is hoped that they can be completed quickly.

There will then be an open discussion other current issues:
1. Parking issues/state of the roads
2. Road safety by the schools
3. Any other matters raised by those present

Our Elmbridge and Surrey councillors will be present – your chance to ask them questions!

Refreshments will be served after the meeting.

Road Representatives
The Road Representative is the point of contact for the residents represented. A strong network of Representatives is essential to the successful operation of the Association. We cannot operate effectively on your behalf unless you have your own Road Rep! If your road is not represented and you think you can help – then please call Mark Herbert, Vice Chairman, on 020 8398 6037.