At the April committee meeting the Planning Officer reported that the tree was still there and there was some confusion over the Elmbridge Borough Council letter about replacing it. Alex Needs of Elmbridge Borough Council was to inspect the tree.
At the April committee meeting the Planning Officer reported that the tree was still there and there was some confusion over the Elmbridge Borough Council letter about replacing it. Alex Needs of Elmbridge Borough Council was to inspect the tree.
LDRA will be taking a pitch at the fair and will explain its work, possibly also giving guidance on local planning procedures.
It was agreed that LDRA would make a donation of £100 to the festival which is being held to raise £150K for infrastructure repairs to the church.
Double yellow lines are to be painted at Kings Rd / Ditton Hill Rd junctions. The St Mary’s Rd end of Fleece Rd is also being reviewed. Any related issues should be reported to Surrey County Council.
Cars parking on the verges are damaging the grass. Councillor Barry Fairbank is to check if Elmbridge Borough Council can take any action.
The draft annual expenditure report for 2010/2011 showed a balance of £4,492, slightly down on the previous year.
Comments on the new application (2011/0576), which addressed some of the issues raised at the appeal, were due by 28 March. The application went to the Elmbridge Borough Council Planning Sub-committee on 26 April and was approved. Details of reasons and conditions can be found on the Elmbridge Borough Council website
The application has been refused but there is a right of appeal.
At the April committee meeting the Prospect Rd representative noted that H2YDRO Properties had submitted proposals for floating homes, a marina and nature area on the filter bed site on the Portsmouth Rd between Kingston and Winters Bridge and had put on an exhibition at the Holiday Inn. It was noted that the company was part of the Kennett group which also owns St James’ Homes. Although the site is in the Royal Borough of Kingston, not in Elmbridge, any development is likely to affect Long Ditton.
Following a site visit and another hearing at County Hall, we now await the inspectorate’s verdict.