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0 2908
17th November 2022


All residents are invited to attend our Autumn Public Meeting.

It is your chance to meet our Elmbridge and Surrey Councillors and to ask them questions!

All local issues will be discussed including the Local Plan and our Green Belt land, the Village Green application, state of the roads , speeding issues etc.
Venue:  Long Ditton Village Hall, Ewell Road
Date: 17th November 2022
Time: 8.00pm

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Picture of poppy and soldier
Remembrance Service - Photo Credit (Abbey - Rectory Close)

Long Ditton Remembrance service:

War Memorial, bottom of Ditton Hill
Sunday Nov 14th


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AGM: 18th November 2021.

All residents are invited to attend our Annual General Meeting.

It is your chance to meet our Elmbridge and Surrey Councillors and to ask them questions!

There will be an update on the threat to our Green Belt land, recent anti social behaviour in the village, state of the roads, speeding, phone masts and any other issues brought up by residents.
Venue:  Long Ditton Village Hall, Ewell Road
Date: 18th November 2021
Time: 8.15pm

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In the current climate, we have decided not to ask our loyal Road Representatives to go door-to-door collecting the annual subscriptions. Instead, this year we are asking Long Ditton residents to make payments online, or for those who do not use Internet banking, by cheque.

For online payments, these are the details for the LDRA bank account at Barclays Bank:

Sort Code:  20 – 46 – 73

Account Number:  3 3 5 0 6 2 8 2

Payment Reference:  << Your road name >>

We suggest £2.00, or more, per household. Some residents have set up an annual standing order, for which we are extremely grateful. We appreciate this will be a challenging time for some, and for those who can donate, we value your contribution. (Please include as much of your road name as possible in the ‘Payment Reference’, so we can track subscription by road).

If you do not use online banking, cheques, made payable to: Long Ditton Residents’ Association, can be posted to: LDRA Treasurer, 7 Chalcott Gardens, Long Ditton, Surbiton, KT6 5HJ (please put your road name on the reverse of the envelope). Apologies, but we are not accepting cash payments at this time. If you have any questions about Road Subs, please e-mail:

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We hope that you are all safe and well during this Coronavirus Pandemic.

For further information, help or assistance, please see Elmbridge Borough Council, Surrey County Council and the Government websites for detailed information:


And please do keep up-to-date on our LDRA Facebook page

Stay safe & well!