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Boundary Commission Announces first proposals to change Long Ditton boundary



Further to last years notice from the Local Government that the would be proposed changes being made to the Ward Boundaries in Elmbridge – 2014 Boundary Change Notice –   The Boundary Commission for England has published its draft recommendations on the future electoral arrangements for Elmbridge Borough Council.  Today is the start of an eight week public consultation on the Commission’s draft recommendations on new ward boundaries across Elmbridge. The consultation closes on 24 August 2015.

View the draft recommendations

You can view the Commission’s draft recommendations at where you can find interactive maps, a report and guidance on how to have your say. The Commission has not finalised its conclusions and now invites representations on the draft recommendations.

A summary outlining the Commission’s draft recommendations, an interactive map of the Commission’s recommendations for Elmbridge, electorate figures and guidance on how to propose new wards is available on the consultation area at: Further information about the review and the Commission’s work is also published on our website at:

Have your say

We encourage everyone who has a view on the draft recommendations to contact us whether you support them or whether you wish to propose alternative arrangements.

Before finalising the recommendations, the Commission will consider every representation received during consultation whether it is submitted by an individual, a local group or an organisation.  We will weigh each submission against the criteria the Commission must follow when drawing up electoral arrangements:

  • To deliver electoral equality where each councillor represents roughly the same number of electors as others across the borough.
  • That the pattern of wards should, as far as possible, reflect the interests and identities of local communities.
  • That the electoral arrangements should provide for effective and convenient local government.

Elmbridge Borough Council currently holds elections by thirds. Where a council elects by thirds, Schedule 2 to the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009 provides that the Commission should have regard to the desirability of recommending that each ward returns three councillors, subject to its other statutory criteria of achieving electoral equality, reflecting community identity and providing for effective and convenient local government. This reflects Parliament’s view that each elector in a local authority should have the same opportunity to vote in local elections, irrespective of that authority’s cycle of elections.

It is important that you take account of the criteria if you are suggesting an alternative pattern of wards. You can find additional guidance and information about previous electoral reviews on our website to help you or your organisation make a submission.

Get in touch

The Commission welcomes comments on the recommendations report by 24 August 2015. Representations should be made:

  • Or in writing to:

Review Officer (Elmbridge)
Local Government Boundary Commission for England
14th Floor
Millbank Tower

The Commission aims to publish every response it receives during phases of consultation.  If you do not want all or any part of your response or name to be made public, you must state this clearly in the response. Any such request should explain why confidentiality is necessary.  All responses may be subject to publication or disclosure as required by law (in particular under the Freedom of Information Act 2000).

This is the last opportunity to influence the Commission’s recommendations before they are finalised. We therefore encourage local people to get in touch with us and have their say.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Alex Hinds
Review Officer
0330 500 1274


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SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL PROPOSE TO MAKE the above Order under Section 84 of the Road

Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (“the Act”) and all other enabling powers, the effect of which will be to

Impose a maximum speed limit of 20 miles per hour along the following lengths of road:

 (C162) Ditton Hill Road, Surbiton – for a distance of 81m in a north west direction from the

northern kerbline of St Mary’s Road.

 (C162) Fleece Road, Surbiton – for a distance of 20m in a north east direction from the

eastern kerbline of Ditton Hill Road.

 (D6809) Sugden Road, Thames Ditton – for a distance of 108m in a north east direction from

the eastern kerbline of Scott Farm Close.

 (D6813) Rushett Road, Thames Ditton – for a distance of 57m in a south west direction from

the western kerbline with Ewell Road.

 (C161) Ewell Road, Ditton Hill – for a distance of 133m in a south eastern direction from the

eastern kerbline of Thorkhill Road.

 (C161) Effingham Road, Surbtion – for a distance of 65m in a north eastern direction from the

eastern kerbline of Ewell Road.

A copy of the proposed Order, together with a plan showing the length of road to which the Order

relates, a Statement of the Council’s reasons for proposing to make the Order and a Statement of the

Council’s Guidelines for the Acceptance of Objections to Traffic Orders may be examined free of

charge during normal office hours at i) Elmbridge Borough Council, Civic Centre, High Street, Esher;

ii) Dittons Library, Mercer Close, Thames Ditton, Surrey, KT7 0BS and iii) Surrey County Council,

Rowan House, Merrow Lane, Guildford, Surrey, GU4 7BQ

If you wish to object to the proposed measures referred to above, or make representations, you must

send the grounds for your objection or representations in writing, to the undersigned, at the Traffic

Regulation Orders Team by 3rd July 2015.

Dated: 12th June 2015

Assistant Director, Highways

(For any queries relating to this notice please contact the Parking Strategy and Implementation

Team at the address below)

Surrey County Council

Rowan House

Merrow Lane


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Long Ditton Notice Board Map

LD_Map_KPAs we reported earlier, changes in the number of electoral wards may lead to changes in local boundaries. Elmbridge Borough Council is asking local people and groups for their help in producing a new pattern of wards and accommodating 48 councillors instead of 60.

Details are on the Elmbridge website here with a link to the consultation. Views need to be submitted by 31 March 2015.

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Rushett Rd junction - aerial viewAn e-petition has been raised to lobby Surrey County Council to consider traffic calming measures at the junction of Rushett Road and Ewell Road, near the gate to the Recreation Ground. Residents are invited to sign the petition which is on Surrey’s website The deadline for signatures is 8 February 2015 and the petition will be taken to the Local Committee on 23 February 2015.

A page has also been set up for those on Facebook:

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LD_shops_KPSurrey are reviewing our bus services across the county and would like to know how you use it. The review will ensure Surrey spend their budget on the most needed routes. The review will focus on the following three aspects of local transport.

• The council’s subsidy of all local bus services.
• The provision of community transport in the county, and how this can be made more commercial.
• SCC-funded discretionary concessions for disabled person’s pass holders and holders of companion passes.

The aim of the review is to make savings while maintaining the services that residents rely on most, such as services that get people to work, hospitals and schools.

To help achieve this, they have launched a public consultation, running until 2 February 2015. Please click on the following link below for more details and to complete the online survey:

A hard copy of the survey is available from libraries, district and borough and parish council buildings and bus stations.

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Long Ditton Notice Board Map

Elmbridge Borough Council is consulting on whether there should be all-out elections every four years (all the Councillors being elected together every four years) or continue electing by thirds as it does so now (every three out of four years a third of Councillors standing for election). This is as a result of the Council deciding to reduce the overall number of Councillors in the Borough.

For more information and to have your say visit the following page on the Elmbridge Borough Council website:

Reduction in number of Councillors may result in loss of village identity

Long Ditton Residents’ Association is liaising with Hinchley Wood Residents’ Association and Thames Ditton and Weston Green Residents’ Association and we will be making a joint response. The associations feel that at a time of austerity and cuts, the Council should not have embarked on the exercise; and if it wished to, residents should have been consulted before the Council took the decision to reduce the number of Councillors. As any reduction in Councillors will result in boundary changes, all three residents’ associations are keen to ensure that village identities are not lost. The three associations have agreed that they would like the Council to retain the current system of election by thirds and that a clear message is sent to the Electoral Commission that residents would want to retain ‘community identities’.

Deadline for comments (via the above webpage) is Sunday 2 November if you feel strongly about this issue.

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We are always looking at ways to improve communications with residents of Long Ditton.

The Streetlife website is a really useful way of sharing information with people in our immediate neighbourhood. We are inviting you to join, if you are interested, by going onto the Streetlife website: If you decide to join, please indicate that you were introduced by the LDRA. Doing this means that we benefit too because a small fee is paid to us – however, this offer is only available during October! Just type ‘LDRA’ in the introduction box – thank you.

We have set up our own link on the site for the LDRA: which in turn has a link to this website. However, we think residents may find Streetlife useful as an extra means of seeing what is happening in the local area and sharing information. This is Streetlife’s press release which gives more details: 

We hope you agree that this is a really useful way of communicating with people in our area and that you will consider signing up – remembering to put ‘LDRA’ in the introduction box!

Please note our AGM is on 20 November at 8pm at St Mary’s Junior School, Sugden Road, where you will have the opportunity to meet our councillors and police team and ask them questions.

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You are invited to attend the above meeting which will be held at St Mary’s Junior School, Sugden Road, Long Ditton, KT7 0AD

We will open with the Chairman’s welcome. This will be followed by a Police Neighbourhood Panel Meeting for an update on current police matters, including a question and answer session. This is your chance to make the police aware of any specific local problems.


  1. Agree minutes of last year’s meeting and take matters arising
  2. Chairman’s report
  3. Financial report
  4. Election of officers
    [These first four items are the compulsory formalised content of the AGM and it is hoped that they can be completed quickly.]
  5. Open discussion on current issues. These are likely to include:
    – Parking
    – State of the roads
    – Road safety by the schools
    – Any other matters raised by those present

Our Elmbridge and Surrey councillors will be present – your chance to ask them questions!

Refreshments will be served after the meeting.

Road Representatives
The Road Representative is the point of contact for the residents represented. A strong network of Representatives is essential to the successful operation of the Association. We cannot operate effectively on your behalf unless you have your own Road Rep! If your road is not represented and you think you can help, then please call Mark Herbert, Vice Chairman, on 020 8398 6037.

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Keo Films is making a new documentary series, The Ladykillers (working title), about four female pest controllers and their work for BBC2. THe following is an extract from their press release.

It’s a very family friendly series, and as part of it, from July to mid-September, if you have a cockroach, mouse or rat infestation, bed bugs or any other unwanted pests our pest controller can help free of charge.

Get in touch if you have a problem, or please pass on our details to anyone else who might need them!

Contact Charlotte Evans, Assistant Producer, at // 07817 499635

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The Post Office is proposing to close the Thames Ditton Post Office and move it across the road into the Simply Fresh shop. The consultation period runs until 31 July and comments can be logged on the Post Office website: Enter the code for Thames Ditton: 092023.