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A message from Peter Kipps, Community Safety Partnership Manager at Elmbridge Borough Council.

The Elmbridge Community Safety Partnership is warning traders about a growing problem within the borough – theft of equipment from vehicles parked at properties being renovated. The thefts are primarily taking place during the day while workers are busy inside the properties.
The Partnership advises that, whenever possible, any tools required should be taken into the property rather than left in the vehicle and taken out only when needed.  Other tips:

  • Lock your vehicle and keep the keys with you whenever you leave it, even if only for a few minutes
  • Fit and use an alarm system
  • Security mark all your tools so they can be identified
  • Consider where and how you park your vehicle. Reversing into a driveway will make the rear doors less accessible; parking alongside a wall, hedge or other vehicle will prevent access to the side of your vehicle and reduce the opportunity for a forced entry

Many trades people now remove items when parking vehicles overnight so the thieves are starting to target them at their place of work. Policy Community Support Officers are handing out warning flyers and the Partnerhip has requested Check-a-Trade to issue reminders to their members.  However, it’s not just local builders who will be affected so everyone who employs a tradesperson can do their part by reminding those who are working for them that added security measures need to be considered.

Peter Kipps,, tel. 01372 474399

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Surrey County Council (SCC) is replacing all lighting in Surrey with eco-efficient white lights involving the replacement of most of the lamp columns in the county. (Full details including FAQ can be found on the SCC web site – roads/roads maintenance/street lights links.)

The replacement programme has already started in parts of Surrey and will start in Elmbridge in October.  If you live in a road with old cast iron ‘swan neck’ lights they will be replaced by modern  lights with straight columns unless your road takes action to have swan neck design columns or other more expensive alternatives ordered instead.

If you require further information please contact Mark Herbert on 020 8398 6037.

Articles have appeared in the Surrey Advertiser and can be read via the following links:

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Replacement of ‘swan-neck’ lamp posts (converted gas lamps)
Neither Surrey nor Elmbridge councils can fund a ‘swan-neck’ design similar to the existing lamp posts. There was  a public meeting organised by Kings Road on 6 June and petitions presented to Surrey and Elmbridge councils on 20 and 21 June. LDRA is supporting the campaign. A new ‘heritage-style’ lamp post could be seen in Westville Road. SCC will make modern ‘swan-neck’ lights available for purchase by residents at £150 each and need to know the order requirement by Aug 5th.

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Waste bins had been stolen from outside the shops in Fleece Road. Each bin will cost about £500 to replace.

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Manny had raised the issue of long-term parking outside the shops which was adversely affecting his business. Unfortunately, unless these vehicles are causing an obstruction there is little that can be done.

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Councillors have been allocated £500 under the Community Connect scheme to be spent on worthy community projects; Cllr Kapadia asked for suggestions for any such projects.