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Picture of poppy and soldier
Remembrance Service - Photo Credit (Abbey - Rectory Close)

Long Ditton Remembrance service:

War Memorial, bottom of Ditton Hill
Sunday Nov 14th


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AGM: 18th November 2021.

All residents are invited to attend our Annual General Meeting.

It is your chance to meet our Elmbridge and Surrey Councillors and to ask them questions!

There will be an update on the threat to our Green Belt land, recent anti social behaviour in the village, state of the roads, speeding, phone masts and any other issues brought up by residents.
Venue:  Long Ditton Village Hall, Ewell Road
Date: 18th November 2021
Time: 8.15pm

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In the current climate, we have decided not to ask our loyal Road Representatives to go door-to-door collecting the annual subscriptions. Instead, this year we are asking Long Ditton residents to make payments online, or for those who do not use Internet banking, by cheque.

For online payments, these are the details for the LDRA bank account at Barclays Bank:

Sort Code:  20 – 46 – 73

Account Number:  3 3 5 0 6 2 8 2

Payment Reference:  << Your road name >>

We suggest £2.00, or more, per household. Some residents have set up an annual standing order, for which we are extremely grateful. We appreciate this will be a challenging time for some, and for those who can donate, we value your contribution. (Please include as much of your road name as possible in the ‘Payment Reference’, so we can track subscription by road).

If you do not use online banking, cheques, made payable to: Long Ditton Residents’ Association, can be posted to: LDRA Treasurer, 7 Chalcott Gardens, Long Ditton, Surbiton, KT6 5HJ (please put your road name on the reverse of the envelope). Apologies, but we are not accepting cash payments at this time. If you have any questions about Road Subs, please e-mail:

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AGM: 20th November 2019.

All residents are invited to attend our Annual General Meeting.

It is your chance to meet our councillors and to ask them questions!

There will be an update on our efforts to save the Green Belt land from development following the recent EBC consultation.  Plus, there will be discussions on roads, parking and any other issues you wish to be brought up.
Venue:  Long Ditton Village Hall, Ewell Road
Date: 20th November 2019
Time: 8.00pm
Don’t forget – you can sign-up and follow us on our Facebook Page

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***  DEADLINE – Midnight MONDAY 30th SEPTEMBER  *** 

We are hearing that many people are still unaware of the vital Elmbridge wide Local Plan Consultation and far too few have responded.

Whatever your view, please spread the word and encourage people to respond by completing the questionnaire online NOW:

  1. Go to ‘Let us know your views’ section and find the ‘online questionnaire’ link
  2. For help, information and guidance in responding, please see the 2019 Consultation Guidance or visit the ‘SaveHWLDGreenbelt‘ website

You must have your say. Your voice counts. 

EVERYONE in your household can respond, including children with parental consent.

Non-Elmbridge Residents can respond too.

Remember – The Deadline is 30th September – Closing at Midnight!

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Changes to the way Elmbridge Planning Applications are Handled

Elmbridge Council is proposing to change the way planning applications are handled. We believe the changes weaken the power of residents to have a say in what happens in their local area and are therefore undemocratic.

The Current System

Three Local Area Planning Sub-Committees and one Planning Committee. The local area sub-committees are comprised of locally elected ward councillors, who know their area. The main planning committee is comprised of 17 councillors from across the Borough, but not every ward.

  • 92% planning applications are determined by planning officers, not councillors, under delegated authority.
  • Nearly all other planning applications are decided by the local area planning sub-committees, comprised of local ward councillors.
  • Minor applications (2-9 dwellings) are passed to the local area sub-committee when 5+ objections are received.
  • Major applications (10+ dwellings) area passed to the local area sub-committee for review.

The Proposed System

  • Minor applications (2-9 dwellings) only passed to the local area sub-committee when 15+ objections are received.
  • Major applications (10+ dwellings) passed directly to the planning committee.
  • Objections from groups such as Residents Associations will be viewed only as 1 objection.
  • Objections to single dwelling applications will be dealt with solely by council officers, not councillors, irrespective of the number of objections.

In our view these changes effectively dilute the accountability of locally elected representatives.  At a time when elections have been won, or lost, based on commitments to defend the Long Ditton Green Belt from development, we feel it is important that accountability remains with local area planning sub-committees, whose members have been elected based on these promises.

The decision to adopt this change is being made at the Planning Committee on Tuesday 23rd July 7.00pm. It seems quite wrong that the Planning Committee itself will decide on whether to grant itself more power, and reduce the influence of the local area planning sub-committees.

In principle the Long Ditton Residents Association disagrees with this proposed change and strongly disagrees with the way in which it is being implemented.

The Long Ditton Residents Association Committee

July 2019


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Save HWLD Green Belt Flyer


Green Belt Update Flyer_23 April 2018

The Hinchley Wood and Long Ditton Green Belt Group (known as ‘Save HWLD Green Belt’) have recently created a flyer to update the residents and community about what is happening about Elmbridge Borough Councils Consultation on their Local Plan.

Flyers are being distributed through letterboxes, but you can also see the FULL FLYER in the link below: