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The Post Office is proposing to close the Thames Ditton Post Office and move it across the road into the Simply Fresh shop. The consultation period runs until 31 July and comments can be logged on the Post Office website: Enter the code for Thames Ditton: 092023.

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You are invited to attend the above meeting which will be held at St Mary’s Junior School, Sugden Road, Long Ditton, KT7 0AD

The Chairman’s welcome will be followed by a Police Neighbourhood Panel Meeting, updating us on current police matters and including a question & answer session. This is your chance to make the police aware of what you perceive to be specific problems.

Open discussion on current issues:
1. Hinchley Wood School catchment area
2. Parking issues
3. State of the roads
4. Road safety by the schools
5. Any other matters raised by those present

Our Elmbridge and Surrey councillors will be present – your chance to ask them questions!

Refreshments will be served after the meeting.

Road Representatives
The Road Representative is the point of contact for the residents represented. A strong network of Representatives is essential to the successful operation of the Association. We cannot operate effectively on your behalf unless you have your own Road Rep! If your road is not represented and you think you can help, then please call Mark Herbert, Vice Chairman, on 020 8398 6037.

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The new ‘heritage-style’ lights are up!
All but a few of the new lights have now been installed – and most of us agree that they look good. Thanks are due to all those who were involved in the campaign and kept up communications with the county and borough councils, especially Alf Manly, Christine Pember, Karen Powell, Charlotte Bramley and Mark Herbert. For information on the light replacement programme see

As you probably know, Surrey County Council is replacing all the lamp posts in the county. Residents of roads with converted swan-neck gas lamps opted for a design similar to their existing lamp posts rather than the upright light to be installed generally. Last summer the LDRA collected contributions from these residents to pay the extra £150 per column required to supply their roads with these ‘heritage-style’ lights.

Elmbridge Borough Council conservation officers asked SCC to look at the original swan neck proposal again as they did not feel it was appropriate and asked for a more heritage style to be installed instead. This process took four months and SCC advised us they would install the more expensive ‘Iffley’ design as shown here – for the same cost to residents. Shields were to be fitted as originally proposed.

We would like to thank residents for their patience during the delay which was unexpected and totally out of our control. However it does appear that we now have lights that are more in character with the surrounding architecture, for the same price.

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Copies can be obtained from Mark Herbert (tel. 020 8398 6037) at a cost of £5 (A3 size) or £20 (A2 size).

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The Dittons Scout Group are desperately seeking a new Scout leader.  The current leader Ian Yates is moving away this summer so they will need someone to take over in the Autumn. There are currently 30 boys and girls aged between 11 and 14 years, and for the troop to continue it is essential a leader is found.

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Surrey County Council (SCC) is replacing all lighting in Surrey with eco-efficient white lights involving the replacement of most of the lamp columns in the county. (Full details including FAQ can be found on the SCC web site – roads/roads maintenance/street lights links.)

The replacement programme has already started in parts of Surrey and will start in Elmbridge in October.  If you live in a road with old cast iron ‘swan neck’ lights they will be replaced by modern  lights with straight columns unless your road takes action to have swan neck design columns or other more expensive alternatives ordered instead.

If you require further information please contact Mark Herbert on 020 8398 6037.

Articles have appeared in the Surrey Advertiser and can be read via the following links:

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Replacement of ‘swan-neck’ lamp posts (converted gas lamps)
Neither Surrey nor Elmbridge councils can fund a ‘swan-neck’ design similar to the existing lamp posts. There was  a public meeting organised by Kings Road on 6 June and petitions presented to Surrey and Elmbridge councils on 20 and 21 June. LDRA is supporting the campaign. A new ‘heritage-style’ lamp post could be seen in Westville Road. SCC will make modern ‘swan-neck’ lights available for purchase by residents at £150 each and need to know the order requirement by Aug 5th.