
0 1114

A planning application went in to convert a house for accommodation of people with learning difficulties (ref 2010/2520). The LDRA, along with other individuals, had lodged objections.  The application was subsequently refused for various reasons.

0 1233

The Hearing will start at 10 am on Tuesday 18th January and is scheduled to last 3 days and conclude on Thursday 20th January but may well be finished earlier than the allocated time.  It will be held at the Civic Centre, High Street, Esher, Surrey, KT10 9SD.

Written statements of the Council and appellants will be available for inspection in the Town Planning Division at the Civic Centre 8.45am -5.00pm Mon-Fri.
Any local resident and other interested parties may attend the inquiry and at the Inspector’s discretion make their views known.

0 1313

At the Elmbridge Borough Council’s planning sub committee meeting on Sept 6th the above proposal was rejected for the second time.  We have now been advised that an appeal has been made to the Planning Inspectorate.

A public enquiry is likely to be in January but in the meantime residents who want to make further comments or modify earlier comments can do so by NOVEMBER 2nd 2010 to the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol.

The proposals will be discussed further at our AGM on Nov 25th.

0 1163

There are a number of planning issues concerning the activities of the nursery that the LDRA are taking an interest in. Gingko Garden Centre and Scotscape either have to submit a planning application or cease the activity that contravenes planning regulations. SCC is monitoring the situation.

0 1298

The application for a two-storey car park has been approved, but with a number of conditions including the provision of some staff parking. The other outstanding application, for changing the front of the Mini building, is still awaiting a decision.

0 1109

There has been considerable discussion at LDRA committee meetings about the proposals for this site. A group of residents asked St James Homes for access to the site but were refused and 8-foot boards were erected across the entrance. LDRA objects to the development as it threatens green space. A resident was nominated to speak in opposition to the plans at the Elmbridge Planning Sub-committee on 6 September; the application was refused.

0 1168

This application has qualified for public speaking and no doubt those that have written in will receive letters advising them how they can register to speak at the DC -East Area planning sub-committee.  This will be on 6th September at 7.45pm at the Civic Centre, Esher.  We hope as many Long Ditton residents as possible will have a chance to attend this meeting.  You may attend, regardless of whether or not you have written in.  There was a poor turnout at the first application.

If anyone is offering to do a 3 minute speech outlining objections on behalf of the LDRA it would help us greatly.  Please advise as soon as possible.  He has a leaflet on the procedure.  There will be no questions after the speech.  St James residents will be putting a speaker forward.   The registration line opens from 9am Mon 30th Aug and closes midnight Tues 31st Aug due to the bank holiday.

Councillor Shweta Kapadia has asked for a site visit, which will take place on the Thursday 2nd September. It will be sometime in the morning, possibly at 9.15 but the time will depend on other visits arranged that morning.  Please contact if you require any further information.

0 1290

The Surrey Advertiser are writing an article about the vacant land on Windmill Lane where the developers are at odds with residents.  They are arranging a photo shoot and wish to photograph residents near the land. They are planning to do this on Tuesday 3rd August at 6.30pm next week.  Please attend if possible.

PLEASE NOTE: The photo shoot is event is not yet confirmed.  Please contact one of the LDRA Committee for the latest information.

0 1348

The proposed development by St James Homes for the vacant land on Windmill Lane is for 24 more dwellings.  Objections include  the loss of more green space in Long Ditton and the resulting extra traffic in Windmill Lane.

Please send in your comments to Elmbridge Borough Council by July 22nd. Apart from writing (quoting  the reference 2010/1528) you can email comments or put comments against the application on the planning link on their web site shown below.

You can object via:
Emailing your objection to:

Visiting the website and adding your comment: (and clicking on “Search for a Planning Application” and then entering the reference 2010/1528)

Or by Post to:

Head of Town Planning
Elmbridge Borough Council
Civic Centre
High Street
KT10 9SD

Online Petition

Please find below the link to the online petition objecting to the proposed development by St James Homes for the vacant land on Windmill Lane.  If you wish  to object please sign this and forward the link onto anybody else who might also want to object.

Please remember, this petition is complementing individual objections, so if you were thinking of lodging an objection yourself, you may.