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The LDRA has permanently switched to online payments, or for those who do not use Internet banking, we continue to accept cheques.

For online payments, the details for the LDRA bank account at Barclays Bank remain unchanged:

Sort Code: 20 – 46 – 73

Account No.: 33506282

Payment Reference:    <<Insert your road name here>>

We suggest £3.00, or more, per household. Some residents have set up an annual standing order, for which we are extremely grateful. For those who wish to donate, we value your annual contribution. (Please include as much of your road name as possible in the ‘Payment Reference’, so we can track subscription by road).

If you do not use online banking, cheques, made payable to: Long Ditton Residents’ Association, can be delivered or posted (2nd class) to: LDRA Treasurer, 7 Chalcott Gardens, Long Ditton, Surbiton, KT6 5HJ
(please put your road name on the reverse of the cheque).

If you have any questions about Annual Subscriptions, please e-mail: or


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Long Ditton Notice Board Map

LD_Map_KPAs we reported earlier, changes in the number of electoral wards may lead to changes in local boundaries. Elmbridge Borough Council is asking local people and groups for their help in producing a new pattern of wards and accommodating 48 councillors instead of 60.

Details are on the Elmbridge website here with a link to the consultation. Views need to be submitted by 31 March 2015.

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Elmbridge Borough Council (EBC) is requesting residents’ help in promoting its Residents’ Panel.  The panel is made up of local residents and EBC asks for their views on the council’s services two or three times a year. This could be about anything the council is working on, e.g. council priorities, budget, recycling, crime.  It is part of the council’s drive to make it easier for residents to ‘Have Your Say’.
In particular EBC is trying to promote an online panel as this is an extremely cost effective and environmentally friendly form of consultation. The link to join the online panel is (enter in browser not search engine).  If any residents would like to join but do not have computer access they can join the postal panel by ringing the council on  01372 474394.

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Are you interested in local issues? Would you like to take a more active part in influencing the future of Long Ditton? The committee urgently needs more people to help, especially since Ray’s resignation as Chairman. If you are interested in any capacity please contact Mark Herbert, General Secretary, on 020 8398 6037 or email him at . We cannot run this association without you!

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I am a WW1 researcher and battlefield guide and will shortly be researching The Long Ditton War Memorial for the ‘roll of honour’ for Surrey.

To save me a long drive (I live in Littlehampton) would it be possible for one of your members to take some detailed photos of the memorial?

Also, if any of residents have relatives on the memorial they are more than welcome to contact me on this address or my research address below.

Kind regards

Nick Ward