Traffic and Parking

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Consultation on proposed parking restrictions has begun, following the notice in the Surrey Advertiser. The deadline for comments is Friday 19 November. Copies of the plans can be viewed on the Surrey County Council website (follow links to ‘On-street parking controls’ and ‘What’s going on in your area’).

Full details are also provided at the following locations:
1. Thames Ditton Library, Mercer Close, Thames Ditton, Surrey KT7 0BS. Tuesdays 9.00am-7.00pm; Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays 9am-5pm.

2. Elmbridge Borough Council, Civic Centre, High Street, Esher, Surrey KT10 9SD. Monday-Friday, 8.45am-5pm.

3. The East Area Transportation Service (Elmbridge), Mid Surrey Area Office, Bay Tree Avenue, Kingston Road, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 7SY. Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm.

If you wish to object to, or comment on, the proposals please either write to the address below or email Please use “Ditton advertisement” as the title of your letter or email.

Mr David Curl
Parking Strategy and Implementation Group Manager
Room 308a
Surrey County Council
County Hall
Penrhyn Road
Kingston Upon Thames

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Consultation on parking restrictions for Windmill Lane and nearby roads is imminent. It should take about six weeks for consultations to be completed. Restrictions may be put in place in Fleece Road but at a later date depending on funding.

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It was reported that there had been a meeting of the Local Committee at which draft proposals for a range of parking changes had been presented, including Windmill Lane, Prospect Road and surrounding areas. Consultation with residents would take place over the next 2-3 months.