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Proposed Zebra Crossing at School

Surrey County Council proposed to establish a Zebra Crossing on Ditton Hill Road.

Following discussion and consultation on their initial proposals, SCC produced a new amended plan, which will include two pedestrian crossings outside the schools.  Full details can be obtained by emailing mark.herbert@longditton.org.  Residents have the opportunity to comment and the Ditton Hill Road scheme and is due for implementation in late autumn.

Please see a copy of the Public Notice below, together with a plan indicating the location.

The proposed crossing in Sugden Road, also formed part of the public consultation in 2016, and a crossing is still planned to be installed, but due to feedback SCC is reassessing the best site for its installation –  in the vicinity of St Mary’s School entrance or between Rectory Lane and Ewell Road.  Further investigations are currently being undertaken to determine the optimum location for the crossing.  SCC will then proceed with implementing the most appropriate option.




Date: 17 August 2017

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Surrey County Council, in exercise of their powers under Section 23 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and after consultation with the Chief Officer of Police in accordance with Section 23(2)(A) of the said Act of 1984, propose to establish a Zebra Crossing on Ditton Hill Road (C162), Long Ditton.

The centre line of the proposed crossing will be 1.72 metres west of the common property boundary of Nos. 50 and 50A Ditton Hill Road and will be 2.4 metres wide.

A copy of the plan showing the location of the proposed Zebra Crossing may be examined free of charge at Reception, Surrey County Council, Quadrant Court, Guildford Road, Woking, Surrey GU22 7QQ, during normal office hours; and at Dittons Library, Mercer Close, Thames Ditton, Surrey KT7 0BS, during normal opening hours.

If you wish to make representations about the proposal you must send them in writing, stating the grounds on which they are made, to the undersigned, at Traffic Regulation Orders Team, Surrey County Council, Hazel House, Merrow Lane, Guildford, Surrey GU4 7BQ, by 14 September 2017.

Jason Russell – Deputy Director Highways and Infrastructure

Any Enquiries relating to this notice should be directed to:

Traffic Regulation Orders Team
Surrey County Council – Highways
Hazel House, Merrow Lane
Guildford, Surrey, GU4 7BQ

Tel: 0300 200 1003


0 2228

AGM and public meeting

Our AGM will be held at 8pm on 26 November 2015, in St Mary’s Junior School.  Our Surrey and Elmbridge councillors will be present and residents have the opportunity to ask them questions directly.

0 1461

Keo Films is making a new documentary series, The Ladykillers (working title), about four female pest controllers and their work for BBC2. THe following is an extract from their press release.

It’s a very family friendly series, and as part of it, from July to mid-September, if you have a cockroach, mouse or rat infestation, bed bugs or any other unwanted pests our pest controller can help free of charge.

Get in touch if you have a problem, or please pass on our details to anyone else who might need them!

Contact Charlotte Evans, Assistant Producer, at pests@keofilms.com // 07817 499635

0 1387

There has been a great deal of concern expressed over proposals by Hinchley Wood School to change its entry criteria to favour KT10 and KT7 postal districts over KT6 and KT9. Half of Long Ditton is in the KT6 area so it is a potentially serious situation. This was a result of pressure from Claygate parents whose children had been offered places as far away as Walton and Epsom.

Our councillors have advised that as the school is an academy it has greater autonomy over entry criteria, but there are certain requirements for consultation which it has not yet met. Surrey County Council retained the obligation to provide places for children in schools and has said that there are sufficient places overall in Surrey. Because of this issue, education was to be discussed at the Local Committee for the first time.

If the school is to start the proper consultation for entry in 2015 it will have to do this soon – possibly before Christmas. There has been considerable discussion, during which parents have been advised to publicise the issue as widely as possible, organise petitions and make representations at the appropriate time. Councillors, for their part, will keep a close eye on events and help and advise where they can.

Up to date information can be obtained from our EBC councillor Shweta Kapadia email: skapadia@elmbridge.gov.uk

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You are invited to attend the above meeting which will be held at St Mary’s Junior School, Sugden Road, Long Ditton, KT7 0AD

We will open with the Chairman’s welcome which will be followed by a Police NEIGHBOURHOOD PANEL MEETING. This will be run by PC Sharon Taylor who will brief us on current police matters as she sees them. She will then take questions. This is your chance to make the police aware of what you perceive to be specific problems.

Open discussion on current issues:
1. Parking issues
2. State of the roads
3. Road safety by the schools
4. Any other matters raised by those present

Our Elmbridge and Surrey councillors will be present – your chance to ask them questions!

Refreshments will be served after the meeting.

Road Representatives
The Road Representative is the point of contact for the residents represented. A strong network of Representatives is essential to the successful operation of the Association. We cannot operate effectively on your behalf unless you have your own Road Rep! If your road is not represented and you think you can help, then please call Mark Herbert, Vice Chairman, on 020 8398 6037.

0 1238

You are invited to attend the above meeting to be held at St Mary’s Junior School, Sugden Road, Long Ditton, KT7 0AD.

We will open with the Chairman’s welcome which will be followed by a police ‘Neighbourhood Panel Meeting’. This meeting will be run by PC Sharon Taylor who will brief us on current police matters as she sees them. She will then take questions. This is your chance to make the police aware of what you perceive to be specific problems.

AGM agenda
1. Agree minutes of last year’s meeting and take matters arising
2. Chairman’s report
3. Financial report
4. Election of officers
These four items are the compulsory formalised items of the AGM and it is hoped that they can be completed quickly.

There will then be an open discussion other current issues:
1. Parking issues/state of the roads
2. Road safety by the schools
3. Any other matters raised by those present

Our Elmbridge and Surrey councillors will be present – your chance to ask them questions!

Refreshments will be served after the meeting.

Road Representatives
The Road Representative is the point of contact for the residents represented. A strong network of Representatives is essential to the successful operation of the Association. We cannot operate effectively on your behalf unless you have your own Road Rep! If your road is not represented and you think you can help – then please call Mark Herbert, Vice Chairman, on 020 8398 6037.

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It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Noble Wilson on 27 January, after a long illness. He was a regular attendee at our meetings and it was his idea for the Long Ditton map which he unveiled nearly a year ago on 12 February 2011.

A memorial service will  be held at St Mary’s Church, Long Ditton, on Wednesday 15 February at 3pm.

0 977

A message from Peter Kipps, Community Safety Partnership Manager at Elmbridge Borough Council.

The Elmbridge Community Safety Partnership is warning traders about a growing problem within the borough – theft of equipment from vehicles parked at properties being renovated. The thefts are primarily taking place during the day while workers are busy inside the properties.
The Partnership advises that, whenever possible, any tools required should be taken into the property rather than left in the vehicle and taken out only when needed.  Other tips:

  • Lock your vehicle and keep the keys with you whenever you leave it, even if only for a few minutes
  • Fit and use an alarm system
  • Security mark all your tools so they can be identified
  • Consider where and how you park your vehicle. Reversing into a driveway will make the rear doors less accessible; parking alongside a wall, hedge or other vehicle will prevent access to the side of your vehicle and reduce the opportunity for a forced entry

Many trades people now remove items when parking vehicles overnight so the thieves are starting to target them at their place of work. Policy Community Support Officers are handing out warning flyers and the Partnerhip has requested Check-a-Trade to issue reminders to their members.  However, it’s not just local builders who will be affected so everyone who employs a tradesperson can do their part by reminding those who are working for them that added security measures need to be considered.

Peter Kipps, pkipps@elmbridge.gov.uk, tel. 01372 474399