What's On

0 1596

You are invited to attend the above meeting which will be held at St Mary’s Junior School, Sugden Road, Long Ditton, KT7 0AD

We will open with the Chairman’s welcome. This will be followed by a Police Neighbourhood Panel Meeting for an update on current police matters, including a question and answer session. This is your chance to make the police aware of any specific local problems.


  1. Agree minutes of last year’s meeting and take matters arising
  2. Chairman’s report
  3. Financial report
  4. Election of officers
    [These first four items are the compulsory formalised content of the AGM and it is hoped that they can be completed quickly.]
  5. Open discussion on current issues. These are likely to include:
    – Parking
    – State of the roads
    – Road safety by the schools
    – Any other matters raised by those present

Our Elmbridge and Surrey councillors will be present – your chance to ask them questions!

Refreshments will be served after the meeting.

Road Representatives
The Road Representative is the point of contact for the residents represented. A strong network of Representatives is essential to the successful operation of the Association. We cannot operate effectively on your behalf unless you have your own Road Rep! If your road is not represented and you think you can help, then please call Mark Herbert, Vice Chairman, on 020 8398 6037.

0 1547

You are invited to attend the above meeting which will be held at St Mary’s Junior School, Sugden Road, Long Ditton, KT7 0AD

The Chairman’s welcome will be followed by a Police Neighbourhood Panel Meeting, updating us on current police matters and including a question & answer session. This is your chance to make the police aware of what you perceive to be specific problems.

Open discussion on current issues:
1. Hinchley Wood School catchment area
2. Parking issues
3. State of the roads
4. Road safety by the schools
5. Any other matters raised by those present

Our Elmbridge and Surrey councillors will be present – your chance to ask them questions!

Refreshments will be served after the meeting.

Road Representatives
The Road Representative is the point of contact for the residents represented. A strong network of Representatives is essential to the successful operation of the Association. We cannot operate effectively on your behalf unless you have your own Road Rep! If your road is not represented and you think you can help, then please call Mark Herbert, Vice Chairman, on 020 8398 6037.

0 1496

You are invited to attend the above meeting which will be held at St Mary’s Junior School, Sugden Road, Long Ditton, KT7 0AD

We will open with the Chairman’s welcome. This will be followed by a Police Neighbourhood Panel Meeting for an update on current police matters, including a question and answer session. This is your chance to make the police aware of any specific local problems.


  1. Agree minutes of last year’s meeting and take matters arising
  2. Chairman’s report
  3. Financial report
  4. Election of officers
    [These first four items are the compulsory formalised content of the AGM and it is hoped that they can be completed quickly.]
  5. Open discussion on current issues. These are likely to include:
    – Hinchley Wood School catchment area
    – Parking
    – State of the roads
    – Road safety by the schools
    – Kingston filter bed development
    – Any other matters raised by those present

Our Elmbridge and Surrey councillors will be present – your chance to ask them questions!

Refreshments will be served after the meeting.

Road Representatives
The Road Representative is the point of contact for the residents represented. A strong network of Representatives is essential to the successful operation of the Association. We cannot operate effectively on your behalf unless you have your own Road Rep! If your road is not represented and you think you can help, then please call Mark Herbert, Vice Chairman, on 020 8398 6037.

0 1470

You are invited to attend the above meeting at: St Mary’s Junior School, Sugden Road, Long Ditton, KT7 0AD

Watch this space for more details nearer the time!

Road Representatives
The Road Representative is the point of contact for the residents represented. A strong network of Representatives is essential to the successful operation of the Association. We cannot operate effectively on your behalf unless you have your own Road Rep! If your road is not represented and you think you can help please call Mark Herbert, Vice Chairman, on 020 8398 6037.

0 1708

This meeting will take place  at 7.30pm at the Guildhall in Kingston.

For more information, contact local campaign group Friends of Seething Wells via their website www.friendsofseethingwells.org or the developer, Hydro Properties Ltd, at www.hydroproperties.co.uk.

If you want to comment on the scheme, you can write to Kingston Council.  Make sure you mark the letter “Filter Beds application” and quote the application number 11/16502. Their details are as follows:

Email: Development.management@rbk.kingston.gov.uk.

Postal address:
The Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames
Planning Services, 2nd Floor
Guildhall 2
High Street

Tel. 020 8547 5000

0 1445

Book your place now for Elmbridge Borough Council’s public event on Tuesday 22 January at the Civic Centre, High Street, Esher. This is an opportunity to find out about local services and the Council’s plans for the future, and ask questions of the Leader and Chief Executive. The event will be held at the Civic Centre, High Street, Esher, from 6pm to 8.30pm. Tea, coffee and cake will be available from 6pm to 7pm and you can talk to Council Officers about the services you receive. At 7:00 pm, the Leader and Chief Executive of the Council will set out the Council’s achievements and activities in 2012-13, and their plans for next year. The session will then be open to you to ask questions.

As well as asking questions on the night, you can also submit questions via Twitter, and the Council will be tweeting questions and answers live throughout the evening. For those without Twitter, questions can also be submitted via corporatepolicy@elmbridge.gov.uk.

For more details or to book a place, go to the Council’s website at: www.elmbridge.gov.uk/Council/information/prospectsandpriorities13.htm. You can also book by telephone on 01372 474124.

0 2388

The LDRA will have a stall at this year’s fair, which is on Sunday 8th July at St Mary’s Junior School, Sugden Road, Long Ditton, KT7 0AD. Come and visit us there!

Once again, Long Ditton will come together to enjoy a family day out. The Mayor of Elmbridge has kindly agreed to open proceedings. There are already two bands, Morris Dancers, the Chadsworth School of Dance and an open tug-o-war. As always, food and drink tents and various stalls will be available to browse and enjoy. This year, the fair is supporting the charity Born Too Soon at Kingston Hospital and The Long Ditton Youth Club.

Entry:£1 per adult, accompanied children free.

For more information call 020 8398 8784 or email:longdittonfair@yahoo.co.uk.

0 2156

Giggs Hill Green, Portsmouth Road, Thames Ditton (near Surbiton) Surrey, KT7 0BT
Sunday 13 May 2012 1pm to 4.30pm (free entry)

Come to a well loved traditional family event greatly supported by the community and beyond. Enjoy the sideshows including the legendary pig racing, football tombola, crazy golf and pots of money or enjoy a homemade cake and watch the Arena events which this year include: dancing, rugby and karate! Bring along your dog to take part in the hilarious Dotty Dog Show and Dog Gymkhana obstacle course. Stroll around the craft and charity stalls and enjoy and an ice cream or some popcorn and candy floss

Programmes are 50p each with a chance to win a prize in the draw.

The Fair is organised by The Dittons Scout Group; check out our website www.thedittonsfair.co.uk for more information about the fair and our sponsors.

Look forward to seeing you there.