LDRA – Annual Subscription Payments

LDRA – Annual Subscription Payments

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The LDRA has permanently switched to online payments, or for those who do not use Internet banking, we continue to accept cheques.

For online payments, the details for the LDRA bank account at Barclays Bank remain unchanged:

Sort Code: 20 – 46 – 73

Account No.: 33506282

Payment Reference:    <<Insert your road name here>>

We suggest £3.00, or more, per household. Some residents have set up an annual standing order, for which we are extremely grateful. For those who wish to donate, we value your annual contribution. (Please include as much of your road name as possible in the ‘Payment Reference’, so we can track subscription by road).

If you do not use online banking, cheques, made payable to: Long Ditton Residents’ Association, can be delivered or posted (2nd class) to: LDRA Treasurer, 7 Chalcott Gardens, Long Ditton, Surbiton, KT6 5HJ
(please put your road name on the reverse of the cheque).

If you have any questions about Annual Subscriptions, please e-mail:
paul.bartlett@longditton.org or mark.herbert@longditton.org.



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