LDRA is now on Streetlife! We invite you to join too

LDRA is now on Streetlife! We invite you to join too

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We are always looking at ways to improve communications with residents of Long Ditton.

The Streetlife website is a really useful way of sharing information with people in our immediate neighbourhood. We are inviting you to join, if you are interested, by going onto the Streetlife website: https://streetlife.com/a/LDRA. If you decide to join, please indicate that you were introduced by the LDRA. Doing this means that we benefit too because a small fee is paid to us – however, this offer is only available during October! Just type ‘LDRA’ in the introduction box – thank you.

We have set up our own link on the site for the LDRA:  https://www.streetlife.com/page/long-ditton-residents-association/ which in turn has a link to this website. However, we think residents may find Streetlife useful as an extra means of seeing what is happening in the local area and sharing information. This is Streetlife’s press release which gives more details:  https://www-static.streetlife.com/s/assets/streetlife-press-release.pdf?1403188571 

We hope you agree that this is a really useful way of communicating with people in our area and that you will consider signing up – remembering to put ‘LDRA’ in the introduction box!

Please note our AGM is on 20 November at 8pm at St Mary’s Junior School, Sugden Road, where you will have the opportunity to meet our councillors and police team and ask them questions.


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