Local transport review (buses): your views count! DEADLINE NOW EXTENDED to 2...

Local transport review (buses): your views count! DEADLINE NOW EXTENDED to 2 February 2015

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LD_shops_KPSurrey are reviewing our bus services across the county and would like to know how you use it. The review will ensure Surrey spend their budget on the most needed routes. The review will focus on the following three aspects of local transport.

• The council’s subsidy of all local bus services.
• The provision of community transport in the county, and how this can be made more commercial.
• SCC-funded discretionary concessions for disabled person’s pass holders and holders of companion passes.

The aim of the review is to make savings while maintaining the services that residents rely on most, such as services that get people to work, hospitals and schools.

To help achieve this, they have launched a public consultation, running until 2 February 2015. Please click on the following link below for more details and to complete the online survey:

A hard copy of the survey is available from libraries, district and borough and parish council buildings and bus stations.


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