Latest News Summary

Latest News Summary

February 2025

Elmbridge Borough Council – New Local Plan

The Planning Inspector found the Elmbridge Local Plan ‘unsound’ and gave EBC six months to review and make main modifications to increase the housing supply. Her suggestion was for EBC to consider releasing Green Belt land for development. EBC wrote to the Planning Inspectorate and to the MP Matthew Pennycook (Minister of State at the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government) to ask if they could intercede, but both have refused, supporting the position of the Planning Inspector.  

It appears that Elmbridge is back to square one for the Local Plan. This will involve restarting all the planning  work, investigative work and redoing all the surveys, incurring all the costs again.

More up to date information is available on the EBC website:

2025 LDRA Annual Subscriptions

2025 annual subs are due and will continue as online payments (and cheques for those who do not use online banking – to be sent to the Treasurer: 7 Chalcott Gardens, KT6 5HJ

We suggest £3.00 or more per household.  Bank details remain the same:

Sort Code: 20 – 46 – 73
Account No: 3350 6282
Payment Reference: <<Your road name>>

Overgrown Verges, Gutters and Public Areas 

LDRA co-opted supporter, Paul Fagan, has been challenging EBC and SCC on the state of Long Ditton’s  verges, church environs, cemetery, open public spaces and street cleaning.  Paul continues to press home the fact that the gardening contractors are not fulfilling their contractual obligations. Our councillors are assisting Paul with his ongoing pursuit of these matters. This is slow but very determined progress.

Stokes Field Nature Reserve 

The LDRA was made aware last October that there would be EBC woodland management work undertaken to fell and remove Ash trees infected by Ash Die Back disease. The work looks quite brutal, but the natural woodland will recover and the EBC Countryside team will be planting new trees in the Autumn 2025. The LDRA will keep a watching brief and will stay in touch through our councillors.

Plough & Harrow Pub Anniversary 

The Plough & Harrow pub, on Ditton Hill Road, celebrated its one-year re-opening anniversary on the 5th December, following major renovations. It is great to have a quality gastro-pub/ restaurant in our village.

LDRA Committee 

We are seeking new volunteers, so if you are interested in a position on the LDRA committee, please contact Mark Herbert (Vice Chair) or Paul Bartlett (Treasurer).

LDRA on Facebook 

The LDRA Facebook page continues to grow in popularity and has over 2,500 members. It is a great source  of local information. You can join by searching FB for ‘Long Ditton Residents Association’ and requesting membership. Please read and agree to the FB page rules to be accepted.

Monthly LDRA Committee Meetings

The LDRA continues to hold monthly committee meetings in the Long Ditton Community Hall, behind Saint
Mary’s Church.  All residents are welcome to attend, especially if they have an issue to raise.
The meetings start at 8.00pm, on the first Wednesday in the month, except May, August and November.

Local Police

All incidents of anti-social behaviour should be reported to Surrey Police (ring 101 or online  The LDRA is working with the local Police team, so please feel free to keep us informed too. Information on Police matters can be viewed on The Dittons & Hinchley Wood Police

Help us to help you!

In addition to Facebook and our website, we would like to use e-mail to keep you informed. If you would like to be on our e-mailing list please send your:   full nameyour road and e-mail address to:

All personal information supplied will be used in accordance with GDPR, strictly by the LDRA Officers only and not made public.  All recipients are e-mailed using Blind carbon copy (Bcc).