Long Ditton Village Fair ‒ Sunday 8 July ‒ 1pm to 4pm

Long Ditton Village Fair ‒ Sunday 8 July ‒ 1pm to 4pm

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The LDRA will have a stall at this year’s fair, which is on Sunday 8th July at St Mary’s Junior School, Sugden Road, Long Ditton, KT7 0AD. Come and visit us there!

Once again, Long Ditton will come together to enjoy a family day out. The Mayor of Elmbridge has kindly agreed to open proceedings. There are already two bands, Morris Dancers, the Chadsworth School of Dance and an open tug-o-war. As always, food and drink tents and various stalls will be available to browse and enjoy. This year, the fair is supporting the charity Born Too Soon at Kingston Hospital and The Long Ditton Youth Club.

Entry:£1 per adult, accompanied children free.

For more information call 020 8398 8784 or email:longdittonfair@yahoo.co.uk.