Manny’s shop has won a national award

Manny’s shop has won a national award

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From Councillor Tim Grey:
If you weren’t aware already I nominated Mannys along with Ian Taylor, who sponsored the nomination, for an award as small shop of the year.

The background is that the award came into being as a result of a cross-party working group in the House of Commons, chaired by David Aymes MP. As I understand many hundreds of shops were nominated.

Manny got down to the last ten, all of whom attended the ceremony at the House of Commons yesterday along with their local MPs. I was very kindly invited along. Out of all those hundreds of shops chosen, Mannys came in first place!!! It really is an amazing achievement as the award is a national award focussing on the importance of local shops to the community they serve, as well as ensuring they meet the highest standards in terms of retail stock, and so forth.

I am really so pleased for him and for LD as a whole. It should be great for the identity of the village as a whole.


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