Parking Review In Moleseys & Dittons

Parking Review In Moleseys & Dittons

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On Friday 18 August Surrey County Council advertised by way of a press notice in the Surrey Advertiser our parking proposals following parking reviews in:

  • the Moleseys and the Dittons

There will then follow a five week period during which we will accept objections and comments on the proposals. SCC posted around 950 A5 postcards to all properties fronting the proposals..

Hard copies of the plans and our reasons for making the proposed changes will be available for public inspection from Friday at the following locations:

  • Elmbridge Borough Council, Civic Centre, High Street, Esher, KT10 9SD
  • Dittons Library, Mercer Close, Thames Ditton, KT7 0BS

Of course all the relevant documents are also be available onSCC website via the following address:

The LDRA have objected to the St Mary’s Road proposals as we feel they would not address the parking problems in Effingham Road.

SCC will accept comments and objections using an online form on the website listed above (preferred), or in writing to:

Mr David Curl, Parking Team Manager, Hazel House, Merrow Lane, Guildford, GU4 7BQ

The closing date for comments is Friday 22 September.

Once this has passed, SCC will create a report which looks at all the comments received. The final decision about what to go ahead with is made by the Parking Team Manager in consultation with the chairman and vice-chairman of Surrey County Council’s local committee for Elmbridge and the relevant county councillor for the area concerned. SCC would expect to have the final decisions made before Christmas, and then look to get the new restrictions implemented before the end of this financial year, although the timescale will be dependant on the number and nature of comments received and how long it takes to resolve any objections.


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