Road Representatives

Road Representatives

Our coverage of the area is just above 80%. We would like to increase this to over 90% in the near future.  Below you will find the roads where we need a representative. If you would like to represent your own road, or another unclaimed road please get in touch with Mark Herbert on 020 8398 6037 or email

Alternatively contact any of the committee, or another Road Representative, to find out more about the role.

Alston Close
Frank Renton
020 8398 2559

Angel Road (Part – No Rep)
Lisa Hawken
07909 078197

Balaclava Road (St James Park)
Erica Farmer
020 8398 6804

Bankside Drive
Yolande Harris
020 8398 3931

Beechwood Close – (No Rep)

Beechwood Grove – (No Rep)

Betts Way
Pam McDonald
07931 586482

Bourne Close
Nigel Filby
07973 634028

Brooklands Road (No Rep)

Chadwick Place (2-90)
Claudia Riley-Hard
07944 357562

Chadwick Place (1 & 91)
Erica Farmer
020 8398 6804

Chalcott Gardens
Paul Bartlett
020 8972 9325

Cholmley Road
Ben Marshall
07443 489040

Church Meadow
Sandra Assersohn
020  8398 1946

Church Road
Diana Jemmett
020 8398 1184

City Wharf House (Ditton Reach – No Rep)

Claygate Lane
Julian Farge
07890 910089

Clearwater Place
Jim Barrett
020 8224 2493

Cockcrow Hill (No Rep)

Cumbrae Gardens (No Rep)

Dempster Close
Jane Hiscock
07850 014498

Dene Gardens
Lynne Leslie
020 8224 0837

Devonshire Drive
Peter Lydall
020 8398 3551

Ditton Grange Close
Felicity Leicester
020 8398 0322

Ditton Grange Drive
Felicity Leicester
020 8398 0322

Ditton Hill
Richard Ford
020 8398 7273

Ditton Hill Road
Richard White
07725 000968

Ditton Reach
Alex Aebischer
07810 807344

Effingham Road (1-46)
Peter Drysdale
020 8398 7036

Effingham Road (47-82)
Tony Lee
020 8398 4660

Ewell Road (2-49)
Fabrice Gouttebroze
07810 801826

Ewell Road (50-81)
Gillian Winterbottom
020 8398 6451

Ferry Road
Barbara Waters
020 8398 7129

Fleece Road
Marcus Bone
07711 584587

Glade Close
Terry Lynch
020 8398 5321

Greenwood Close
Joanna Ward
07584 640369

Greenwood Road
Sue Offen
020 8398 0899

Highfield Close
Nigel Brockwell
020 8224 1932

Houston Road
John Sharman
07774 783620

Howard Street
Torie Hemy
020 8224 6804

Jennings Close (St James Park)
Susannah Cunningham
07730 797267

Kings Road
Georg Berger
07791 050859

Lissant Close
Goronwy Jones
020 8390 7362

Love Lane
Terry Lynch
020 8398 5321

Lovelace Road (part)
Goronwy Jones
020 8390 7362

Lower Sandhills
Jonathan Clarke
020 8390 5984

Lynwood Road
Nigel Filby
07973 634028

Manor Road North (132-192)
Julian Farge
07890 910089

Manor Road North (1-4/109-165)
Julian Farge
07890 910089

Manordene Close
Denis Wilson
078608 61117

Mayfield Close (No Rep)

Oaks Way
John Hicks
020 8224 2363

Orchard Avenue
Sue Proctor
020 8398 4433

Orchard Close
Cathy Doyle
020 8398 0715

Paget Place
Helen Pritchard
07793 563031

Portsmouth Road (Part – Kington end)
Martin Bone
020 8 398 3348

Portsmouth Road (Part – Thames Ditton end – No Rep)

Pound Close
Laura Dowd
020 8 398 2531

Prospect Road
Martin Bone
020 8398 3348

Rectory Close
Marcus Burke-Williams
07786 322191

Rectory Lane (even nos)
Judy Wilson
020 8398 3643

Rectory Lane (odd nos)
Lisa Currie
07713 077718

Rushett Close
Sandy Philpotts
020 8786 6251

Rushett Road (No Rep)

Savery Drive (St James Park)
Stephen Moss
07747 622820

Saxonbury Gardens
Jonathan Wheatley
020 8398 0868

Scott Farm Close
Malcolm Clements
020 8398 8615

Sharon Close
Ruth Davies & Janet Evans
020 8398 0353

Southbank (No Rep)

St Andrews Close
Frank Smith
020 8398 9463

St Chads Close
Janet Evans
07931 327722

+eqwSt Mary’s Road (1-35)
Peter Tottle
07831 293904

St Mary’s Road (36-70)
Ruth Davies & Janet Evans
020 8398 0353

Sugden Road
Tony Gold
020 8224 1976

Summerfield Lane
Terry Lynch
020 8398 5321

Thorkhill Road (71-93)
Mark Darby
020 8398 1050

Valling Place
Leez Goodwin
07851 054917

Vaughan Road
Richard Coverdale
07894 123807

Wentworth Close
Nicola Green
07957 638873

Wessex Close
Nigel Filby
07973 634028

Williams Grove (St James Park – No Rep)

Windmill Close (No Rep)

Windmill Lane (2-40 – No Rep)

Windmill Lane (31-57 & 42-48)
Giles Dainty
07710 502754

Winters Road (No Rep)

Woodfield Road (House next to Lynwood Est)
Nigel Filby
07973 634028

Woodfield Road (Flats next to Lynwood Est – No Rep)

Woodstock Lane
Diana Jemmett
020 8398 1184