St James’ Homes application for 24 more houses in Windmill Lane

St James’ Homes application for 24 more houses in Windmill Lane

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This application has qualified for public speaking and no doubt those that have written in will receive letters advising them how they can register to speak at the DC -East Area planning sub-committee.  This will be on 6th September at 7.45pm at the Civic Centre, Esher.  We hope as many Long Ditton residents as possible will have a chance to attend this meeting.  You may attend, regardless of whether or not you have written in.  There was a poor turnout at the first application.

If anyone is offering to do a 3 minute speech outlining objections on behalf of the LDRA it would help us greatly.  Please advise as soon as possible.  He has a leaflet on the procedure.  There will be no questions after the speech.  St James residents will be putting a speaker forward.   The registration line opens from 9am Mon 30th Aug and closes midnight Tues 31st Aug due to the bank holiday.

Councillor Shweta Kapadia has asked for a site visit, which will take place on the Thursday 2nd September. It will be sometime in the morning, possibly at 9.15 but the time will depend on other visits arranged that morning.  Please contact if you require any further information.


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