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Save HWLD Green Belt Flyer


Green Belt Update Flyer_23 April 2018

The Hinchley Wood and Long Ditton Green Belt Group (known as ‘Save HWLD Green Belt’) have recently created a flyer to update the residents and community about what is happening about Elmbridge Borough Councils Consultation on their Local Plan.

Flyers are being distributed through letterboxes, but you can also see the FULL FLYER in the link below:



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You are all invited to attend our Spring Public meeting on May 17th 

Venue: St Mary’s Junior School, Sugden Road
Date: 17th May 2018
Time: 8.00pm

Our councillors will be there – your chance to ask them questions about the Green belt development, roads and anything else that may be on your mind about Long Ditton.

See you then!

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On Friday 18 August Surrey County Council advertised by way of a press notice in the Surrey Advertiser our parking proposals following parking reviews in:

  • the Moleseys and the Dittons

There will then follow a five week period during which we will accept objections and comments on the proposals. SCC posted around 950 A5 postcards to all properties fronting the proposals..

Hard copies of the plans and our reasons for making the proposed changes will be available for public inspection from Friday at the following locations:

  • Elmbridge Borough Council, Civic Centre, High Street, Esher, KT10 9SD
  • Dittons Library, Mercer Close, Thames Ditton, KT7 0BS

Of course all the relevant documents are also be available onSCC website via the following address:

The LDRA have objected to the St Mary’s Road proposals as we feel they would not address the parking problems in Effingham Road.

SCC will accept comments and objections using an online form on the website listed above (preferred), or in writing to:

Mr David Curl, Parking Team Manager, Hazel House, Merrow Lane, Guildford, GU4 7BQ

The closing date for comments is Friday 22 September.

Once this has passed, SCC will create a report which looks at all the comments received. The final decision about what to go ahead with is made by the Parking Team Manager in consultation with the chairman and vice-chairman of Surrey County Council’s local committee for Elmbridge and the relevant county councillor for the area concerned. SCC would expect to have the final decisions made before Christmas, and then look to get the new restrictions implemented before the end of this financial year, although the timescale will be dependant on the number and nature of comments received and how long it takes to resolve any objections.

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Residents are all invited to attend our Spring Public Meeting in May.  It is your chance to meet our councillors and to ask them questions!  The Local Plan and Green Belt issues, top of the agenda!

Venue: St Mary’s Junior School, Sugden Road
Date: 18th May 2017
Time: 8.00pm

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The Long Ditton Residents Association have formerly responded to Elmbridge Borough Council. 
(Our response can VIEWED HERE)

LDRA Statement

Our main concern is that the Council has prematurely treated Green Belt as an ‘option’ for meeting long term development when Government policy is clear that Green Belt release should only even be considered after all other options have been exhausted.

The Council has undertaken a comprehensive review of the Green Belt in Elmbridge to inform the options currently being considered.  Green Belt releases have been suggested as potential options for meeting the objectively assessed housing need (of 9,480 to 2035) as a result.

However, national policy (National Planning Policy Framework) makes it clear that this should only happen in ‘exceptional circumstances’ and after all other options have been explored through the local plan review process.  The Housing White Paper (Feb 2017) confirms that there will be no change to national policy but proposes amendments to the NPPF (to be introduced later this year) to make it clear that:

“authorities should amend Green Belt boundaries only when they can demonstrate that they have examined fully all other reasonable options for meeting their identified development requirements, including:

* making effective use of suitable brownfield sites and the opportunities offered by estate regeneration;

* the potential offered by land which is currently underused, including surplus public sector land where appropriate;

* optimising the proposed density of development; and

* exploring whether other authorities can help to meet some of the identified development requirement.”

This process should be applied before coming to the conclusion that there are exceptional circumstances for releasing Green Belt.  Options 2 and 3 of the Council’s consultation are therefore premature as other ‘reasonable’ options have not been fully explored. In order for the Council to even consider Green Belt, further ‘urban capacity’ work that goes beyond the Land Availability Assessment, is needed.



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Our Greenbelt (including Stokes Field) is under threat, with the Government’s housing shortage.  There are new plans to build thousands of new homes on Long Ditton and Hinchley Wood Greenbelt.

These flyers will be posted through your door shortly (if you would like one to be emailed – please contact us here) –